Mental illness and being a mom.
Mental illness and being a mom. This is something we don't hear about a lot in the magazines other than postpartum depression I want to talk a little about the issues that we don't see.
Being a mom with a mental illness is hard no matter what it is and ill talk more about some of these in depth in future posts but today I'm going to talk about mental illness as a whole and mothering. We always hear about postpartum depression in moms and this very much is a very serious illness and can lead to others. With that being said we don't hear or read a lot about the problems moms face with predetermined mental illness and the stigma surrounding what that means for you as a mom. Me personally I have several diagnosed mental health issues. Such as bipolar depression, anxiety, schizitopal personality disorder, auditory processing disorder. Among others, this had made my personal experience as a parent very difficult and I have friends who have also struggled with this and parenting their children.